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What Is It?

What is SARS-Cov-2?

SARS-Cov-2 is a virus that causes a disease which presents flu-like symptoms, the most common being fever, cough, and respiratory problems. The virus is easily spread, more easily than the flu, which is part of the reason why this calls for a national emergency, along with the fact that no vaccine has been developed for it, yet. Your national governments, state governments, local governments, corporate businesses, and local businesses are doing all they can to ensure your safety during this time of need. Click the tabs below for more.

Image by CDC

What Do You Want To Know?

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Where did it Come From?

Where did the virus come from? Did someone eat a bat? What do pangolins have to do with the virus? 

What Does it Do?

How does the virus hurt us? What does it do to our lungs?

Is SARS-Cov-2 different from SARS, COVID-19, and coronavirus? How are they different? Why so many names? To find out more, click the button below.

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